Evan Harris


So, you want to know more about Evan? As you SHOULD. I originally started photography in mid-to-late 2017 as a hobby, before making a business out of it. Being a college kid at a school in the cornfields of Indiana can be very mundane, so you HAVE to keep busy, right? I grew my base and eventually became known for my art on campus. I taught myself different photography editing styles, from warm nostalgia to cinematic to moody, grainy film styles… my fave that I currently use. I also learned how to shoot in film, and yes, Kodak reigns supreme, I don’t care.

I am a lover of the stars and cosmos, so if everything seems to be spacey, it’s because it is. Enough about me for now, tell me about YOU. After all, you are looking for someone to capture your special and most intimate moments. Wanna make art? Want a hype man? Let’s get cosmic with it! The sky is not the limit over here, PERIOD.

In a world of wonder, look to the cosmos.

“Your stargazing, adventure-loving


You are the protagonists of a story that has not yet been told.

Let me help you tell it!

Hit my line, and let's space out!